Deck and Engine Supply


Ship Chandler Paranagua Co., Ltd to provide comprehensive vessel maintenance services, along with Deck and Engine Supply solutions, crucial aspects of maritime operations aimed at ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of ships.

  • Regular scheduled maintenance tasks are performed to prevent equipment failures and extend the lifespan of critical components.
  • This includes routine inspections, lubrication, cleaning, and adjustments to identify and address potential issues before they escalate.
  • Reactive maintenance is carried out in response to equipment failures or malfunctions,
  • PMS software is often utilized to schedule, track, and manage maintenance activities efficiently,It helps prioritize tasks based on urgency, equipment criticality, and regulatory requirements, ensuring comprehensive coverage of maintenance needs.

Vessel maintenance activities must comply with various international and national regulations, classification society rules, and industry standards,Regular inspections and surveys by classification societies and flag state authorities ensure that vessels meet regulatory requirements for safety, environmental protection, and operational integrity. Periodic dry docking of vessels is necessary for more extensive inspections, maintenance, and repairs that cannot be performed while the vessel is afloat,Special surveys conducted during dry docking assess the structural integrity and overall condition of the vessel, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and identifying necessary repairs or upgrades.